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The Parks and Recreation Commission is a citizen advisory committee that advises the City Council on the acquisition of lands and facilities for use as parks or recreation centers; the Parks and Recreation Commission also advises on the operation, use, care and maintenance of these parks and recreation areas.
Arnold, Amy | 03/20/2024 | 03/20/2027 |
Kull, Sandy | 03/05/2024 | 03/05/2027 |
Maschhaupt, Eric | 03/07/2023 | 03/07/2026 |
McGarry, Susan | 09/05/2023 Second Term | 09/05/2026 |
Parrish, Kristen - Chair | 03/01/2022 | 03/01/2025 |
Quale, Teresa Kim - Vice Chair | 05/18/2024 Second Term | 05/18/2027 |
Vreeland, Michael | 09/05/2023 | 09/05/2026 |
Staff Contacts: | ||
Nick Molinari, Staff Representative | 480-312-1011 |
Marci Sanders, Staff Liaison | 480-312-2598 |