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In our efforts to meet one of the operational goals - to Enhance Traffic Safety, the Scottsdale Police Department will be supporting the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Buckle up Arizona Enforcement campaign.

In 2022 the Scottsdale Police Department will contact drivers for safety belt and child restraint violations. Through our enforcement efforts, we hope to impact driver behavior and get them to buckle up. In Arizona, over half of all fatal vehicle crash victims were unrestrained. Had these occupants been properly restrained, most would still be alive.

From May 23rd to June 5th, the Scottsdale Police department will support this important national safety initiative. Our officers are encouraged to increase their enforcement of safety belt and child restraint laws. Together we can increase seat belt use and save more lives.

Please remember to buckle up every time you drive and remember to properly buckle up children in the appropriate seat for their age and size.

Please visit National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for more information and resources.

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by Scottsdale Police Department
May 23, 2022
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