The contact information on this page, including campaign website addresses, was provided by the candidates and posted exactly as submitted. It is made available solely for general information and is not intended to be an endorsement of any candidate, or approval of information provided by the candidate.

Mayoral Candidates

Lisa Borowsky

Lisa for Mayor

P: 480-269-3511

David "Dave" Ortega

Elect Dave Ortega Mayor

P: 480-221-2990

Email Dave

City Council Candidates

Tammy Caputi

Caputi for Council

P: 480-390-1082

Email Tammy

Tom Durham

Re-Elect Tom Durham

P: 312-929-6894

Adam Kwasman

Kwasman for Scottsdale

P: 480-750-9388

Email Adam

Maryann McAllen

McAllen for Scottsdale

P: 480-266-8296

Email Maryann

Candidate Information Pamphlet

A Candidate Information Pamphlet will be mailed to all registered voter households approximately thirty days prior to each election. English and Spanish versions of the pamphlets will be available online ( and and at the following Scottsdale locations beginning Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2024, for the General Election:

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