Building codes are adopted to provide a reasonable level of safety, and protection of public health, general welfare and property.
They are published on a three year cycle to reflect the latest standards of life-safety and construction technology. The amendments to the building codes are adopted by City Council to modify the codes to conform to the particular physical and political conditions of our city.
Compliance Tools
International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
International Green Construction Code (IgCC)
Related Resources
Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure
In general, for commercial construction projects, the City of Scottsdale requires a soils report. (See Sec. 1803 of the 2021 International Building Code.) However, there may be instances where the extent of a project is small and the requirement for a soils report is not pressed. In these instances, we would allow no less than the code minimum of Table 1806.2, Class 4 soil material. For this type of soil, we revise the Allowable Foundation Pressure from the stated 2,000 to a value of 1,500 psf max. Based on the extent of the project, we would reserve the right to request a report as stated in the Code section noted above.
Climatic & Geographic Design Criteria
Design Wind Speed
2021 IBC & IRC- Occupancy Category I = 95 MPH
- Occupancy Category II = 105 MPH
- Occupancy Category III = 110 MPH
- Occupancy Category IV = 115 MPH
Occupancy Category determined by 2021 IBC Risk Category of Buildings and Other Structures Table 1604.5
IRCWind Exposure:
B or C as defined in COS Interpretations & Applications of Building Codes & Regulations No.15-1
Seismic Design:
Category 'B' for SFR, For other occupancies, Engineer to Calculate
Snow Load = None
Winter Design Temp = 37F
Summer Design Temp = 105F