The Green Building Program encourages a whole-systems approach through design and building techniques to minimize environmental impact and reduce the energy consumption of buildings while contributing to the health of its occupants.

Green Building Code

Scottsdale becomes the first in the state and one of only a few nationwide to adopt mandatory 'green' building code requirements

On Dec. 6, 2022, Scottsdale City Council adopted the 2021 edition of the International Energy Construction Code (IECC) and the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) as mandatory codes.

International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)

The new energy code (IECC) applies to new residential and commercial buildings and will result in lower energy use, cost savings, thermal comfort and reduced environmental impacts. Benefits include an energy cost savings of 10.6% and greenhouse gas emission reduction of 10.2% as compared to the 2018 IECC. It is estimated that energy codes for residential and commercial buildings nationwide will be able to save $138 billion energy cost savings and 900 million metric tons of avoided CO2 emissions (cumulative 2010-2040, source: US Dept. of Energy). Scottsdale’s energy code updates include:

  • Improved residential ceiling insulation and cool roof surfaces (low-slope roofs)
  • High-efficacy lighting (LED or similar) for all lighting
  • Interior lighting controls with dimmers or sensors excluding bathroom and hallways
  • Exterior lighting controls with automatic shut-off when daylight is present
  • Electric vehicle capable charging infrastructure (reserved breaker space and conduit) for new homes, apartments and hotels to support growing EV charging demand.
  • Solar-ready roof tops for residential and commercial buildings (reserved breaker space and conduit)

The effective date for the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is Jan. 7, 2023.

International Green Construction Code (IgCC)

The green construction code (IgCC) applies to all new commercial and multifamily buildings. Environmental benefits include conserving natural resources, improved air quality, enhanced occupant comfort and health, reduced waste streams, low environmental impactful materials and minimized strain on local infrastructure. Economic benefits include reduced operating costs, occupant productivity, life-cycle cost savings and improved property value. Social benefits include equity and access to improved quality of life. Scottsdale’s green code provisions include:

  • Heat island mitigation for new hardscapes such as black asphalt parking lots
  • Indoor and outdoor water use reduction
  • Electric vehicle capable charging infrastructure for non-residential buildings
  • On-site renewable energy (exceptions include equivalent energy efficiency improvements)
  • Construction waste management (50% diversion of waste from landfill for recycling and reuse)
  • Less impactful building materials (recycled content, regional resources, certified lumber and/or environmental product declarations)
  • Improved indoor environmental quality (low VOC materials and finishes)

The effective date for the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) is July 1, 2023.

Contact: Anthony Floyd, green building program manager. 480-312-4202

Getting a Scottsdale Green Building designation is easier than you think!

Green Building Education Series

Scottsdale hosts a green building education series featuring speakers and experts to discuss timely topics and issues involving the future of electrification decarbonization, energy efficiency, renewables, indoor environmental quality, water use reduction and reuse, edible landscapes, low-impact building materials and innovative near-zero impact projects.

Earth Day - Rewilding your Gardens and Landscape with Joan Baron

The content of these presentations do not represent the opinion or endorsement from the city of Scottsdale. The presentations represent the opinion of the speakers.

Past Speakers

Scottsdale’s Green Building Program would like to thank the following speakers for participating in the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 lecture series seasons. Topics included economic value of green, solar energy and battery storage, edible landscapes, building with earthen materials and ductless mini-splits cooling/heating.

Joan Baron
Environmental Artist & Urban Garden Educator

Steve Caldwell
VP of Operations, GreenSheen Paints

Michael Ginsburg
Arizona Builder and Innovator
Ed Gorman
President, Modus Development
Jeff Grout
Senior Energy Consultant

Bill Sheaffer
Exec. Director, Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition

Carol Stuttard
Master Gardener

John Trujillo
Principle, Circonomy Solutions


Program Overview for New Construction
Green Home Buyer's Guide
Green Building Remodeling Guidelines
Landscape Revitalization Workbook
Construction and Demolition Waste Reuse and Recycling
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