The Scottsdale Shade & Tree Plan sets out to cultivate a greener, more vibrant cityscape, enriching the lives of residents and visitors alike through a strategic focus on shade and urban forestry. Inspired by a collective vision shared by the City Council and Scottsdale's diverse community, this initiative aims to enhance the urban canopy, promote environmental resilience, and foster a healthier, more livable city for generations to come.


  • Fall 2023
    Council direction

  • Summer 2024
    Sustainability Plan adoption

  • Feb. - June 2024
    Phase 1 - Community input

  • Summer 2024
    Drafting of plan

  • Fall 2024
    Phase 2 - Community input

  • Fall 2024
    Plan Revisions

  • Winter 2024/Spring 2025
    Council Approval

  • Why a Shade & Tree Plan?

    Scottsdale's identity is deeply intertwined with its natural beauty and desert landscape. As the city continues to evolve and grow, preserving and enhancing its green spaces becomes increasingly vital. The Shade & Tree Plan recognizes the pivotal role that trees and shade play in mitigating urban heat, improving air quality, and fostering a sense of place and well-being within the community.

    With an eye towards sustainability and long-term vitality, this plan not only addresses the aesthetic appeal of lush greenery but also acknowledges the tangible benefits it brings to public health, energy conservation, and economic prosperity. By strategically place shade structures and planting/preserving trees, Scottsdale can create cooler, more inviting urban environments, reduce energy consumption, and enhance property values, all while fostering a stronger sense of environmental stewardship among its residents.

    Through collaborative efforts between city officials, residents, and stakeholders, the Scottsdale Shade & Tree Plan aims to cultivate a greener, healthier, and more vibrant city for generations to come. By harnessing the power of trees and shade, Scottsdale can create a more sustainable and resilient urban landscape that embodies the values of environmental stewardship, community engagement, and quality of life for all.

    Phase 1 - Community Input

    Share your thoughts about shade and trees in Scottsdale.

    Scottsdale is developing a Shade & Tree Plan and wants your valuable feedback! After a brief overview of the project, our staff and consultants will be on hand to guide you through a series of presentation boards to gather your input. Your input shapes our greener future.

    Please attend either open house style meeting to be a part of this exciting initiative.

    • Date: Wednesday, May 15
      Time: 1 - 3 p.m.
      Location: Community Design Studio, 7506 E. Indian School Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

    • Date: Thursday, May 16
      Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
      Location: Florence Ely Nelson Desert Park, 8950 E. Pinnacle Peak Road, Scottsdale AZ 85255

    Registration is not required but both sessions will share the same content.

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