Project Phase
Project Summary
The Raintree Drive Extension will provide a direct connection between the State Route Loop 101 Freeway and Scottsdale Road. This extension will simplify the route from Hayden Road to Scottsdale Road and help to relieve some of the traffic congestion currently experienced on Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard.
Project Information
Budget: $41,000,000 Phase 1 / $4,300,000 Phase 2
Sponsoring Division: Transportation
Funding Source: Bonded
Project Location: Raintree Drive between Scottsdale Road and Loop 101 Freeway
Project Hotline: 480-312-4444

Phase One: Complete
Project History
The City of Scottsdale has prepared a Design Concept Report for this segment of roadway which will included recommendations regarding number of travel lanes, raised medians, major intersections (roundabout, traffic signal or side street stop control), minor side street lane configurations, safety considerations, driveway access, landscape and streetscape concepts, public art, drainage improvements, and right of way needs.
The Raintree Drive Extension was included in the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), funded by Proposition 400 regional transportation sales tax funds.