Scottsdale General Plan 2035

The General Plan is the primary tool for guiding the future of the city. It contains the community’s goals and policies on character and design, land use, open space and the natural environment, business and economics, neighborhood vitality, transportation and growth. It shapes the physical form of the city, yet it also addresses other aspects, such as community services, protection of desert and mountain lands, and the character of neighborhoods.

The General Plan provides a guide for day-to-day, short- and long-term decision making. Scottsdale’s General Plan has three interrelated roles:

  • It is an expression of the community vision, aspirations, values, and goals;
  • It is a decision-making guide; and
  • It fulfills State and City Charter legal requirements.

The General Plan (Scottsdale General Plan 2035) was adopted by City Council on June 8, 2021 and ratified by the Scottsdale voters in November 2021, per state statute requirements.

The General Plan varies from the structure outlined in state law. Some of the state mandated elements have been combined and some have been expanded beyond what is required by the state. The Scottsdale General Plan also includes seven community created elements: Character & Design, Arts, Culture & Creative Community, Healthy Community, Tourism, Education, Economic Vitality, and Community Involvement. As such, City of Scottsdale General Plan 2035 is divided into twenty-four elements which contain the city's goals and policies on each of the various subjects covered within the plan.

General Plan goals and policies are implemented through ordinances, regulations, ongoing procedures, recommendations from City boards and commissions, and decisions made by the City Council. The General Plan is also carried out by private actions and initiatives in the community.

View General Plan 2035 Executive Summary

Download Scottdale General Plan 2035

General Plan 2035 Annual Report

Arizona State Statute requires cities to “render an annual report to the legislative body on the status of the plan and progress in its application” (ARS 9-461.07). The General Plan addresses all attributes of the community – from housing, transportation, and infrastructure, to the natural environment - therefore necessitating periodic review of Plan implementation. The purpose of this report is to review the advancement and implementation of the General Plan and to fulfill the state mandated requirement for annual review. The report provides a list of major accomplishments to illustrate how the General Plan has been implemented for the reporting period listed.


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General Plan Amendments
General Plan Annual Reports
Historical General Plans
Scottsdale Annexation Policy & Criteria
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