Program Overview
Operation Fix It (OFI) works in the community with dedicated volunteers and city staff to assist qualified Scottsdale homeowners. The program helps qualified applicants with code enforcement referrals and issues related to health and safety on the property.
The maximum amount of assistance per household, per year may not exceed $4,000. Assistance may exceed the $4,000 maximum under limited circumstances and must address items posing a serious threat to the health, safety and welfare of the household, as determined by the Community Assistance Manager.
OFI projects and repairs are limited to the following activities:
- Weed Mitigation
- Green Pools
- Tree Removal
- Tree Trimming
- Exterior Junk Removal
- Exterior House Painting
- Fence Repairs and Replacements
- Xeriscape activities “Rock the Yard”
OFI is not a regular maintenance program and shall not perform yard services more than once a year. Any additional yard services may be approved on a case-by-case basis with a referral from code enforcement.