Project Phase

Project Summary

Construction continues for improvements to Scottsdale Road from Jomax Road to Dixileta Drive. Planned improvements will convert this section of Scottsdale Road to a complete street to include landscaped medians, bike lanes, sidewalks and trails to improve safety, capacity and accessibility for motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians. The project includes the installation of a signalized crossing at Pinnacle Vista Drive, and drainage improvements.

Project Information

Budget: $43,685,237

Sponsoring Division: Transportation

Funding Source: Transportation Sales Tax

Additional Funding Sources: Maricopa Association of Governments Regional Sales Tax

Project Location: Scottsdale Road from Jomax Road to Dixileta Drive

Project Map: View Map

The roundabout originally planned at the intersection of Scottsdale and Dynamite roads is being reviewed by staff – a traditional signalized intersection is also being considered. Staff and project team members are further evaluating these alternative intersection designs and are identifying potential impacts.

Crews are currently working on the east side of Scottsdale Road, off the roadway, to conduct native plant salvage. This involves boxing and relocating trees to a contractor nursery where they can be maintained during construction, to be replanted in the project area as the project nears completion.

Scheduled to begin in early March, crews will work to complete installation of storm drain pipe in the northbound lane (east side) of Scottsdale Road, from Jomax Road north toward Redbird Road. Scottsdale Road traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction, shifted to the west side of Scottsdale Road. Left turns may be restricted during this storm drain work, which is expected to take about 2-3 weeks to complete.

Currently scheduled to take place in mid to late March, crews will work at the Dixileta Drive intersection to install a temporary traffic signal to be able to relocate the existing traffic signal further back as part of the planned improvements at that intersection.

Utility work continues by various utilities to relocate their facilities out of the way of the planned improvements. This utility work is expected to be complete in late March.

During construction, lane reductions and turn restrictions may be in place, as needed, to shift traffic away from the work zone. Please obey traffic signage as it is placed for the safety of residents, travelers and construction crews. Traffic control remains in place 24/7 to protect the work zone, and speed limits are reduced near the work zone. Work primarily takes place during daytime hours, weekdays; however, it may be necessary, at times, to conduct work during night hours or weekend days.

Project Information

Consistent with the City's Transportation Master Plan, this project will convert this section of Scottsdale Road to a complete street including updates to the major intersections, landscaped medians, bike lanes, sidewalks and trails to improve safety, capacity and accessibility for motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians.

This project will include the design of:

  • 8-foot wide separated sidewalk on the west side
  • 10-foot multi use path or 8-foot trail on the east side
  • High intensity activated crosswalk (HAWK) crossing at Pinnacle Vista Drive
  • 150-foot of right of way (targeted)
  • Eliminate wet crossings

Take a look at images to see what the completed project will look like

Public Outreach

During the design process several meetings were held with homeowners' associations in the area and a public meeting was held with the community.

Project History

On May 19, 2020 the City entered into an agreement with Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) for funding of design and construction for the majority of these improvements. On July, 1 2020, the City Council approved an Engineering Services Contract with Ritoch-Powell and Associates, Inc. to provide preliminary assessments, complete design and construction documents.

Project Schedule

Fall 2020 – Spring 2021

Data Gathering
Traffic Analysis
Drainage Analysis
Noise Analysis
Spring & Summer 2021Develop Preferred Alternative
October 2021Virtual Public Meeting #1
Fall 2021Stakeholder & HOA Outreach
Fall 2021Initial Design
2023/2024Public Hearing Process
Final Design
Right of Way Acquisitions
Utility Relocations
2024-2025Roadway Construction

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the speed limit on Scottsdale Road change?
On Scottsdale Road the speed limit will remain 50 mph which is the current posted speed for most of the corridor.
What are the traffic volumes on Scottsdale Road?
2019 Traffic volumes on Scottsdale Road between Jomax and Dynamite are 30,600 vehicles per day and between Dynamite and Dixileta are 27,200 vehicles per day. 2025 projected volumes for Jomax to Dynamite are 31,800 vehicles per day and for Dynamite to Dixileta are 28,600 vehicles per day.
Has the city considered using rubberized asphalt to minimize road noise?
The City's Public Works Division performed a noise study comparing rubberized and conventional asphalt and determined that there were no noticeable differences in noise abatement. Because rubberized asphalt costs significantly more than conventional asphalt and deteriorates approximately twice as fast, Scottsdale no longer uses it.
Will there be raised median islands on Scottsdale Road?
Yes, a raised landscaped median island will be constructed on Scottsdale Road, with openings at cross street intersections and property access points.
What will the design do to improve drainage in the area?
All of the at roadway grade wash crossings within this projects’ limits will be eliminated on Scottsdale Road. Scottsdale Road will have a pass-through drainage design for the regional flows at crossing locations. The peak storm flows will be collected in a swale on the east side of the roadway and directed to various culverts crossing beneath Scottsdale Road in their historic patterns.
What types of sidewalks and trails will be built?
The Scottsdale Road project will construct a new detached 8-foot concrete sidewalk on the west of the road and a new 10-foot concrete shared-use path on the east side of the road. Unpaved trails are also planned for the east and west sides of the roadway, which should be constructed shortly following the roadway improvements. The sidewalks, paths, and trails are consistent with other corridors in this part of the city and consistent with the city's complete streets policy, which encourages multi-modal transportation.
What types of bike lanes will be built?
A 5-foot bike lane is being constructed as part of the Scottsdale Road project that is consistent with city design and policy standards. The project will also install a detached 8-foot concrete sidewalk on the west of the road and a new 10-foot concrete shared-use path on the east side of the road.
Will there be a wall or sound barrier installed along Scottsdale Road, and what would the wall look like?
The results of the noise analysis indicated that future noise levels as a result of the improvements and increased traffic volumes will not meet the threshold for mitigation, therefore, sound barrier walls along Scottsdale Road are not warranted. Existing walls not in conflict with proposed improvements will be protected in place. Walls that do conflict with proposed improvements will be relocated, with the same height, aesthetics, finish, and color, beyond the conflict.
How long will construction take?
Utility relocations began mid-2024.  Construction will begin in November 2024 and will be complete in the summer of 2026.
Will the roads be closed during construction?
In general, a minimum of one lane of traffic in each direction will be open during construction. No long-term road closures are anticipated; however, short closures may be necessary to reconfigure traffic control and protect worker and public safety during project construction.

Project Hotline


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