If you received an emergency message, follow the directions it contained. During an emergency or evacuation, additional information will be provided here as soon as it is available.
The city of Scottsdale's Emergency Manager oversees the city's preparation for disasters and emergencies and coordinates large-scale emergency responses.
Emergency Preparation

Ready | Set | Go

Household and Family
Prepare your home and be self-sufficient

5 Steps to Wildfire Readiness

Monsoon Flooding
Know your flood risk
Seasonal storms can cause flooding in Scottsdale. During these storms, the city may make sand and sandbags available to help residents protect their property.
Emergency Resources
Partners and Resources

Ready is a National public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to promote preparedness through public involvement.
For more information on emergency preparation go to Ready.gov

The Arizona Emergency Information Network (AzEIN) is the State of Arizona's official source for emergency updates, preparedness and hazard information, and related resources. AzEIN has been a public service of the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs(link is external) Public Information Office since 2005.
For more information about AzEIN ein.az.gov

The Scottsdale Office of Emergency Management has partnered with the National Weather Service to improve the nation's readiness against extreme weather, water and climate events.
For more information about Weather-Ready Nation go to weather.gov/wrn
Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ and the Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ logo are trademarks of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, used with permission.

Flooding can happen just about anywhere it rains or snows. On average, 40% of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood insurance claims occur outside the high-risk flood areas. That's why it's important to protect the life you've built with flood insurance, even if you live in an area with low-to-moderate flooding risk.
For more information about the dangers of flooding after a wildfire and the National Flood Insurance Program, go to floodsmart.gov/wildfires
National Weather Service: Storm Spotter Class
Adult volunteers are community minded individuals, who understand they play an essential role in providing storm information to the National Weather Service. Anyone can be a spotter and we encourage those who like to pay attention to the weather to become involved.
Reports and Documents
Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
Maricopa County and the 25 incorporated city and towns and two tribes located within the county have joined forces to review and update the existing 2015 Maricopa County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The goal of mitigation planning is to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to life and property from natural hazard events. Mitigation is not how we respond to emergencies like floods and wildfires, but rather how we as a community prevent the impact of such things in the first place.
The mitigation planning process involves identifying and profiling the natural hazards most likely to occur in a community, assessing the vulnerability to these hazards, and establishing goals, actions, and projects that mitigate the associated risks. The update of this mitigation plan will also ensure continued eligibility for both emergency and non-emergency, federal and state hazard mitigation grants.
The multi-jurisdictional planning team has prepared a draft of the 2021 Maricopa County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. A digital copy of the draft plan can be obtained by visiting the Maricopa County website. Interested community members can also email EMHS - Emergency Manager.