The city's public participation team is committed to continuing and improving ways the public can learn about and engage in decisions that impact life in Scottsdale. Take some time and participate in your community - the feedback provided is used to create better projects and programs for our world-class community.
Neighborhood College
Learn about living within an HOA or about Scottsdale history
Scottsdale Government 101 Citizen Academy
Registration is now open
Learn more about these platforms and view reports from previous topics.
Neighborhood Programs
The Office of Citizen Services provides services to engage and empower citizens through educational opportunities, volunteer experiences, public collaboration and issue resolution.
Sustainable Scottsdale
The City of Scottsdale is committed to enhancing the lives of its residents and effectively managing model conservation efforts to protect valuable resources for future generations.
City Government 101
Scottsdale City Government 101 is a series of classes summarizing overall Scottsdale city government and how it works.
Neighborhood Notification Program
Neighborhood Notification Program to help identify and obtain contact information for neighborhoods, enabling information to be provided directly to neighborhood leaders and groups.
Neighborhood College
The city of Scottsdale developed the Neighborhood College to provide residents, neighborhood groups and homeowners associations with the information, resources and tools needed to become effective neighborhood leaders.
Spirit of Scottsdale
Scottsdale's Neighborhood Advisory Commission wants to showcase the people and organizations that embody the “Spirit of Scottsdale”.
Recent Notice:
Notice of Intent to Establish Pilot Fee for Scottsdale Stadium
Apr 17, 2024Description:
Under the City of Scottsdale Community Services Division Schedule of Program Charges, Rental Fees, and Fines effective July 1, 2023 (CS Fees and Charges Policy) and adopted by City Council through Resolution No. 12805 on May 16, 2023, the City of Scottsdale Community Services Representative (as defined in the CS Fees and Charges Policy) may authorize fees on a trial or “pilot” basis of approximately one year or less with a possible temporary extension, subject to compliance with the CS Fees and Charges Policy, provided any state law requirements are followed, including as necessary the required notice and approval by the applicable board or commission. The Parks and Recreation Commission is the applicable board or commission designated under the CS Fees and Charges Policy to review this proposed pilot fee.
In accordance with A.R.S. § 9-499.15, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT at a Regular Meeting of the City of Scottsdale Parks and Recreation Commission (Commission) on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 4:00 PM, at the Adaptive Services Center located at 8102 E. Jackrabbit Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85250, it is the Commission’s intention to consider the recommendation to establish a new pilot fee for the newly completed First Base Patio at the Scottsdale Stadium on a pilot or trial basis beginning May 16, 2024.
Following such consideration and recommendation, the Community Services Representative may implement the new fee for a period of approximately one year or less, with a possible temporary extension, subject to compliance with the CS Fees and Charges Policy. A schedule of the proposed new pilot fee that includes the amount of the fee and a written report that supports the new fee was posted on the City’s website on March 14, 2024, and is available on the City’s website.
Public Meeting Posting Sites
Resolution No. 7900, adopted by the Council on March 24, 2009, designates City Hall and the City's Official Website as public meeting posting sites.