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The city is replacing the Historic Old Town Streetlights throughout Historic Old Town. The first phase of streetlights was installed last fall along Scottsdale Road, then the project took a hiatus December - April to minimize disruption to business during the tourist and event season.

The second phase of the project will replace the streetlights and add festoon lighting on Buckboard Trail, 1st Ave., Brown Ave., Main St., and 1st St. Work will begin in early May and be complete in October 2024.

This improvement project includes setting the new light poles and foundations as well as removal of existing streetlight poles. This will be completed in staggered phases to minimizing impacts to merchants and visitors as much as possible.

The tentative project schedule is as follows:

  • Buckboard Trail: Early-May - Late-June
  • 1stAvenue: Late-May - Mid-June
  • Brown Avenue: Mid-June - Mid-August
  • Main Street: Early-August - Mid-September
  • 1st Street: Late-August - Late-September

** This is a tentative project schedule and will be updated as work progresses.

In general, construction work will take place between the hours of 2 a.m. and noon, Monday - Thursday. Access to business will be maintained throughout the project. During overnight work hours sidewalks and up to six parking spaces will be closed as needed on a block-by-block basis. During non-working hours 2-4 parking spaces my be impacted adjacent to the light pole where work is taking place. Parking closure signs will be placed, as necessary, 24 hours in advance.

For more information, please contact Project Manager Derek Rogers at 480-312-7637.

Old Town Streetlight Rendering
rendering of a brown light post with two light, one on each side extending out from the pole.


All News
by Transportation Department
May 13, 2024
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