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The Center for Digital Government's (CDG) 2023 Digital Cities 23rd annual survey ranked Scottsdale the top digital city nationwide in the 125,000 – 249,999 population category. The city is among a distinguished group that has worked hard to improve its digital, citizen and government experience through technology and leadership. Cities are recognized for using technology for strengthening cybersecurity, enhancing transparency, digital privacy right and equality, and finding innovative ways to support solutions for social challenges facing cities today.

“We are thrilled and honored to receive this prestigious recognition for our outstanding efforts in digital transformation, a testament to our city's visionary leadership and our teams' commitment to leveraging technology to enhance the lives of our constituents,” said Chief Information Officer Bianca Lochner. “Our digital transformation journey has been marked by innovation, collaboration, and relentless pursuit of excellence. We have embraced emerging technologies like AI, IoT, and data analytics to drive meaningful change across our city's services, infrastructure, and governance.

Through our digital initiatives, we have created a more seamless and personalized experience for our residents, enabling them to access information, engage with their community, and access essential services effortlessly,” she added.

Scottsdale's mission, to deliver "simply better service" through innovation, trust and equitable public service delivery includes a commitment to privacy and transparency. The city established a Digital Privacy administrative regulation to safeguard the public's trust in the city's use of new and emerging technologies and to protect its digital privacy rights. The policy enables residents to determine for themselves when, how and to what extent information about them is communicated to others.

“The Digital Cities survey winners continue to push the envelope of how government agencies deliver modern services during a period of rapid technological change,” said Todd Sander, VP, Center for Digital Government and Governing Institute. “Today we recognize and congratulate these trailblazers who are helping to build a government that works for everyone.”
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by Scottsdale Office of Communication
Nov 14, 2023
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