The Solid Waste Services Department is excited to announce a unique opportunity for young artists to showcase their talents and contribute to our community’s sustainability and waste diversion efforts. We invite kindergarten through 12th grade students to participate in our art contest, with winning designs to be displayed on the sides of our trash trucks! This is your chance to make a colorful, impactful statement about the importance of recycling and environmental conservation.

The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. on Feb. 2, 2025

Contest Details

Who can participate?
This call for art is open to grade school and high school students residing in Scottsdale and/or attending a Scottsdale school, during the 2024-25 school year. No prior graphic design experience is required to enter.
What should you create?
Students are encouraged to design a full trash truck sign that highlights the theme of recycling and environmental sustainability. Your artwork can also include a brief, impactful slogan that encourages environmental protection in Scottsdale. Think of your design as a moving advertisement. Please see Technical requirements and truck sign template.
Evaluation criteria

A review panel consisting of members from the City of Scottsdale and Scottsdale Arts will evaluate all eligible submissions based on the following criteria:

  • Does the art convey a clear message?
  • Does the art promote the theme of recycling and environmental sustainability?
  • Is the art visually appealing and relevant to the Scottsdale community?
  • Is the composition balanced and unified? Artwork with large elements and bright, bold colors will be more effective than those with small, intricate details and pastel colors.
  • Is the artwork easily understood while in motion?
  • If included, is the slogan concise, memorable, and easy to read? Keep your text large enough for readability on a moving vehicle
The highest-scoring submissions will be selected to have their artwork featured on a Scottsdale Solid Waste Department trash truck. This is a unique opportunity for students to showcase their creativity and promote environmental sustainability to the entire community. The winning designs will be prominently displayed on the truck, turning them into moving pieces of art that inspire and educate residents about the importance of recycling and environmental stewardship. Additionally, winners will receive special recognition from the City of Scottsdale, including a certificate of achievement and an invitation to a public unveiling event where their artwork will be celebrated.
Contest timeline

Informational Session:
A session will be held at the Solid Waste Department Office, 9191 E. San Salvador Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 for students to view a trash truck and ask questions. The date and time for this session will be announced soon.

Submission Deadline:
All entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Feb. 2, 2025.

Announcement of Winners:
Winning submissions will be announced after March 1, 2025.

Installation and Display:
The selected artwork will be installed on the trash trucks, and all entries will be displayed at City Hall during the spring. The exact dates for the installation and display will be communicated to the participants.

Technical requirements
  • All art submissions must use the Trash Truck Sign Template.
  • Dimensions of the design is 93.375” wide by 29.175” length.
  • The media is unrestricted as long as a high-resolution 300dpi format (.jpeg, .pdf, .tif, .eps) can be submitted.
  • Digital art, photography, and hand-drawn art are all accepted. For hand-drawn art, submit a high-resolution photo or scan.
  • Submissions containing explicit, obscene, violent, or otherwise inappropriate content, as determined by the City of Scottsdale, will not be eligible.
  • Submissions must not infringe on others’ rights, including copyrighted material (e.g., popular characters or logos).
  • Do not sign your artwork. The selected student’s name will be displayed on the truck.

For additional questions please contact: [email protected]

Artwork Diagrams

artwork dimensions diagram of art placement on truck
Example of Truck Sign:

Application and Artwork Submittal

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Call for Art Coordinator

9191 E. San Salvador Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85258
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