A candidate is required to register a committee if the candidate receives contributions or makes expenditures, in any combination, of at least $500 in connection with that candidacy.

An entity must register a political committee if it meets both of the following conditions: 1) the entity is organized for the primary purpose of influencing the result of an election; and 2) the entity knowingly receives contributions or makes expenditures, in any combination, of at least $1,400 in connection with any election during a calendar year. “Primary purpose” is defined in A.R.S. § 16-901(43).

Scottsdale candidates are required to file a Candidate Statement of Interest with the City Clerk before collecting nomination petition signatures. Any signatures collected before the Statement of Interest is filed with the City Clerk are invalid and may be subject to challenge pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-351.

The information contained on this webpage is intended to assist candidates in preparing their candidate papers. While we strive to provide the most current information, state statutes and election cases are subject to constant change and interpretation. Candidates are encouraged to review all election materials with an attorney to ensure compliance with current legal requirements. It is not appropriate for city staff to give legal advice to candidates for office. Please take time to thoroughly review all election materials and comply with all current statutes.


All forms in PDF format unless otherwise noted.


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