There are two options for obtaining a liquor license to sell or serve alcohol at a special event:

Option 1:

Request a Temporary Extension of Premises for an existing establishment (within the event footprint) that is already licensed to sell alcohol.

A permit is required by the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses & Control (AZ DLLC) in order to temporarily expand or enlarge the area which is covered by a current liquor license. This permit is reviewed by the city of Scottsdale and a recommendation is made to the State. Provide a copy of your completed application with the Scottsdale Special Event Permit Application.

Option 2:

Obtain a Special Event Liquor License. Events where liquor will be sold or furnished are required to submit a special event liquor license application to the city a minimum of 20 days prior to the event, along with a completed (AZ DLLC)

Special Event liquor licenses are only available to qualified charitable, civic, fraternal, political party/campaign committees, or religious organizations.

Completed applications must be submitted to the Tax & License Registration office located at 7447 East Indian School Road, Suite 110.

This license requires that 25% of gross event proceeds be donated to the event charity. A charity can submit for this license a maximum of 10 (ten) days per year.

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