What is it?

In 1988, City Council created the Tourism Development Commission (TDC) to act as an advisory board to the City Council on matters concerning the expenditure of revenues from the transaction privilege tax on transient lodging (bed tax) designated for tourism development.

City Ordinance No. 3577 established the policies and procedures of the TDC that requires the commission to review the city's long-range plans for the tourism industry, as proposed by staff, and make recommendations regarding an ongoing five-year strategic tourism development and marketing plan.

Since 2000, city staff has contracted with tourism experts to work with the city and its destination marketing partner, Experience Scottsdale, to create recommendations for each of the five-year strategic tourism development marketing plans. Its purpose is to create an integrated comprehensive strategic plan to drive tourism and support the long-term success and resilience of Scottsdale's tourism industry.

How was the new draft plan developed?

Through the city’s procurement process and in in partnership with Experience Scottsdale, the city hired Resonance Consultancy to create our next five-year Tourism & Events Strategic Plan (2022-2026).

A Steering Committee was established to work with Resonance to set the strategic plan development goals and objectives; provide feedback on their research and recommendations; and to connect Resonance with our stakeholders, residents, and past visitors.

Resonance did extensive engagement that included the Mayor & City Council, City Manager’s Office, many city department directors, TDC members, hoteliers, property owners, retailers, restaurants, art galleries, and other partners and stakeholders. Additionally, two surveys were conducted: one for residents with more than 2,300 responses and the other survey of past visitors with nearly 1,300 responses. The city also required that Resonance review 21 reports, studies, plans and research reports. Based on all that Resonance reviewed, assessed, and heard, the draft recommendations were formed.

Phase 1 – Draft Review (Completed Summer 2022)

Resonance’s initial high-level review of the eight experience principles and 40 strategy recommendations were presented to the Steering Committee, Experience Scottsdale’s Board of Directors, the TDC at its June 21, 2022 meeting, to City Council at its July 6, 2022 Work Study Session, and at Experience Scottsdale’s Quarterly Update meeting.

Phase 2 – Public Outreach & Input (Completed Fall 2022)

This phase of the process assisted in finalizing recommendations through a series of Café Conversations attended by more than 100 community members and business owners. Facilitators guided session attendees through each experience principle’s strategies and recommendations, asking a series of questions to prioritize actions and assist in finalizing the plan.

Phase 3 – City Council Review and Approval (Approved Jan. 24, 2023)

The last phase for approval of plan included a presentation to the TDC on the final draft experience principles, strategies, objectives, and provide feedback to staff regarding the final draft Tourism & Events Strategic Plan. Phase 3 concluded with a recommendation by the TDC for the City Council to approve the plan. The City Council approved the plan at its Jan. 24, 2023 meeting.


Following approval by City Council, city staff with assistance from its partner Experience Scottsdale made presentations to the community about the Tourism & Events Strategic Plan and its implementation. Year 1 implementation of the plan began in July 2023 (FY 2023/24) and will continue through Year 5 (FY 2027/28)

If you are interested in having a presentation made to a community organization about the city's Tourism & Events Strategic Plan, please email.

Documents related to the plan:

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