Transportation Planning

What is the Transportation Action Plan?

Transportation Action Plan (TAP) is a 10-year transportation plan focused on maintaining existing transportation infrastructure and building safe and accessible travel for all users. It was approved by City Council in April 2022.

View Transportation Action Plan 2022

How was the public involved in the development of the Transportation Action Plan?

The public involvement plan for the TAP included a virtual open house and online questionnaire, project webpage, nine presentations to the Transportation Commission and two presentations to City Council from Jan. – Dec. 2021. The TAP webpage received over 2,200 visitors and the city received more than 500 comments from the community during the plan’s outreach process.

What about public involvement for Transportation & Streets projects?

Public involvement processes are tailored to each specific transportation and streets project. Depending on the scale and scope of each proposed project, public outreach may include project notification (post cards, community newsletters, door-to-door canvassing), public meetings, project webpages, social media, attendance at neighborhood association meetings, and presentations to the Transportation Commission and other related city boards and commissions.

How are streets classified?

City planners classify streets as local, collector, and arterial streets. Street classifications are primarily determined by existing or projected daily traffic volumes and help establish a common understanding of the street’s use, character, and access from adjacent properties.

What is the difference between local, collector and arterial streets?
  • Local streets have the lowest speed limits and provide the highest access to properties via driveways or parking lots connected to the road.
  • Collector streets collect traffic from local streets and provide connections to arterial streets and small-scale commercial areas including schools, churches, and recreational facilities.
  • Arterial streets carry a large volume of traffic at higher speeds and have limited access. Their primary function is to accommodate commuter and regional traffic, as well as provide connections to rural highways and urban freeways.
What is a roadway reclassification?

Roadways may be reclassified after a system-wide evaluation of traffic volume and road capacity trends. Road reclassifications may include adding or removing travel lanes and capacity based on traffic volumes, long-term travel patterns and surrounding development.

What is a Complete Street?

A Complete Street is designed to facilitate safe and comfortable access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities can safely move along and across a complete street. The city’s Complete Street Policy was approved by City Council as part of the Transportation Master Plan in 2008.

What is the difference between a road restriping project and a “road diet”?

Road restriping projects coincide with pavement maintenance projects. Restriping projects maintain the physical size of the roadway design while removing excess travel lanes or, reconfiguring lanes to match adjacent street segments or lane widths, and/or add bike lanes to a road. Restriping projects maintain street widths and are reasonably easy to modify if needed. A “road diet” removes travel lanes to repurpose them for on-street parking or bike lanes and may include a narrowing of roadways using medians or curb modifications. A “road diet” is not an approach or a term included in the Scottsdale TAP.

How many restriping projects are planned in Scottsdale?

The city’s Transportation Action Plan has identified 32 miles of roadway for evaluation and possible reclassification to meet current and projected traffic volumes. These projects will not modify curb widths on the roadways. Scottsdale’s Traffic Engineering Division has used this proven method of evaluating roads for more than 30 years.

Do Scottsdale paving projects always include Americans with Disabilities Act ramp upgrades?

Yes, as part of the city’s continued efforts to improve conditions for those with disabilities, ADA improvements are included in all city streetscape, pavement maintenance, and developer-driven projects. In 2022 the city paved and micro sealed 98 miles of roadway including 780 new and upgraded ADA ramps along sidewalks and roadways.

Why is Scottsdale removing travel lanes even as our population continues to grow?

As part of the development process, each applicant must demonstrate that the existing street infrastructure can accommodate the anticipated amount of traffic, and if not propose appropriate mitigation measures including adding turn lanes and traffic signals. Because many of the new and proposed developments are on sites that have existing commercial zoning and land uses, the change in site-generated traffic volumes may be less or similar to previous projections.

How does Scottsdale monitor scooters and other micro mobility devices?

Scottsdale has created no ride and no parking zones and regulations detailing where and how scooters can be parked. Scooter companies and riders can be cited for parking or moving violations by the police department.

View Bike and Scooter Ordinance

Transportation Operations / Traffic Engineering

How does Scottsdale collect and study traffic volumes and collision rates?

The City’s Traffic Engineering Division publishes a biannual Traffic Volume & Collision Report. The reports date back to 1986 and provide a comprehensive overview of traffic volume and collision trends in Scottsdale.

What is the purpose of the Traffic Volume & Collision Report?

The Traffic Volume & Collision report is published every two years and is a comprehensive overview of the city’s traffic volume and collision trends. Data generated by the report helps our traffic engineers evaluate intersections and street segments for future study and improvements. More than 200 intersections in the city are evaluated as part of the data collection process. To find out more, read the White Paper about the City’s Traffic Volume & Collision Report.

Does the addition of bicycle lanes improve safety?

Based on the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Safety Countermeasures initiative (PSCi), the addition of bicycle lanes results in a 30-49 percent reduction in total collisions.

Do buffered bicycle lanes improve safety?

Research from the Federal Highway Administration says that 95 percent of crashes occur on roadways due to driver error or inattention. Buffered bike lanes are shown to improve safety; the separation between vehicles and bicyclists allows additional time for driver to correct the error. Read more from the Federal Highway Administration

Can the removal of travel lanes improve safety?

Excess vehicle capacity provides more room for cars to drive faster than the posted speed limit which can result in severe, high-injury crashes. Removal of excess capacity travel lanes can result in a 19-47 percent reduction in total collisions, according to the FHWA’s PSCi’s.

Does Scottsdale have plans to build additional roundabouts?

Scottsdale is a roundabout first city, which means that roundabouts are evaluated for effectiveness and feasibility in all projects that include intersections. According to the Federal Highway Administration, roundabouts are proven safety additions to transportation infrastructure, reducing severe crashes at intersections by up to 80%. In addition to lowering collision rates, and severity of collisions, roundabouts reduce delays and lower emissions. The city’s Roundabout First policy was approved by City Council as part of the Transportation Master Plan in 2016.

What is the Transportation & Streets department doing to help mitigate speeding concerns in Scottsdale?

A Complete Street is designed to facilitate safe and comfortable access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities can safely move along and across a complete street. The city’s Complete Street Policy was approved by City Council as part of the Transportation Master Plan in 2008.

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