The goal of the Back-to-School Program is to create a wide-ranging collaboration among city, school, Non-profit, civic, faith, and business groups to help Scottsdale's income-eligible students from Pre-Kindergarten to 12th grade by providing them with necessary school supplies, clothing, and shoes.
Currently, the program can accommodate approximately 1,000 students, a significant increase from a few hundred in its initial years; however, many more students remain in need. Each year, we strive to expand our reach, and with your assistance, we can achieve this goal.
Eligibility Requirements:
- To qualify, you need to be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level
- Have at least one child in grades Pre-K through 12th grade
- Either live in Scottsdale or have your student(s) attending school in Scottsdale or the Scottsdale Unified School District.
Requisitos de elegibilidad:
- Para calificar, debe estar en o por debajo del 200 % del Nivel Federal de Pobreza
- Tener al menos un hijo en los grados Pre-K a 12 grado
- Vivir en Scottsdale o que su(s) estudiante(s) asista(n) a la escuela en Scottsdale o en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Scottsdale.