The goal of the Back-to-School Program is to create a wide-ranging collaboration among city, school, Non-profit, civic, faith, and business groups to help Scottsdale's income-eligible students from Pre-Kindergarten to 12th grade by providing them with necessary school supplies, clothing, and shoes.

Currently, the program can accommodate approximately 1,000 students, a significant increase from a few hundred in its initial years; however, many more students remain in need. Each year, we strive to expand our reach, and with your assistance, we can achieve this goal. 

Eligibility Requirements:

  • To qualify, you need to be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level
  • Have at least one child in grades Pre-K through 12th grade
  • Either live in Scottsdale or have your student(s) attending school in Scottsdale or the Scottsdale Unified School District.

Requisitos de elegibilidad:

  • Para calificar, debe estar en o por debajo del 200 % del Nivel Federal de Pobreza
  • Tener al menos un hijo en los grados Pre-K a 12 grado
  • Vivir en Scottsdale o que su(s) estudiante(s) asista(n) a la escuela en Scottsdale o en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Scottsdale.



Donations for school supplies will commence in April and conclude in August. Kindly deliver your contributions at the Granite Reef Senior Center located at 1700 N Granite Reef Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85257. 

For a list of required supplies:

School Supply List Button

If you would like to make a monetary donation to help supplement the needs for this program:

Monetary donation to Scottsdale Community Partners

Volunteer Opportunities

Our program offers various opportunities to volunteer during this period. You can join us in sorting school supplies, packing backpacks, and more. If volunteering isn't an option for you, consider organizing a "School Supply Drive" for the program instead. For further details, please reach out to Julia Bautista.

Last Updated: Feb 28, 2025

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