Scottsdale Apple Store at Fashion Square meets Scottsdale's green building standards.
Scottsdale Fashion Square is now home to one of the most architecturally unique Apple stores in the United States. The sunken, split-level structure encompasses a grid of angled skylight/apertures across its cantilevered roof to fill the space below with pools of natural light. The new Apple Store is the first major retail store to meet Scottsdale's adopted International Green Construction Code (IgCC) involving passive and active heating, Photo credit - Corbin Gotelli cooling and lighting systems, renewable energy credits, water efficient plumbing and landscaping, indoor environmental quality and waste reduction. Designed by Ennead Architects with commissioning by Integrated & Open Systems, this new store is the first Apple Store in the country to comply with the International Green Construction Code (IgCC).
Green Multifamily and Commercial Projects
The following projects have been designed in accordance with Scottsdale's Green Building Program standards for reduced energy use, water savings, improved comfort and healthy interiors. Each project achieves a minimum 40% energy use reduction (2012 energy code baseline) and minimum 20% indoor water use reduction.