Streetscape Design Guideline

What Is It?

Specific streetscape enhancement design guidelines for landscape and hardscape for Via Linda.

City Council adopted - June 1994

Where Does It Apply?

Via Linda, east of the Central Arizona Project Canal to the terminus near the 140th Street alignment.

Scenic Corridor Map

Why Was It Developed?

In 1993 City Council directed staff to prepare specific streetscape enhancement design guidelines for landscape/hardscape along Via Linda, east of the Central Arizona Project Canal to the terminus near the 140th Street alignment.

Key Points:

  1. Buffered set backs minimums as follows:
    • CAP east to 140th Street- 40' average, 30' minimum.
    • East of 140th Street - 80' average, 60' minimum.
  2. Road should have a landscaped median.
  3. Landscape pallet- Natural native desert, enhance with revegetation.
  4. Graphic symbol created to be used in a variety of applications such as railings, wall imprints, signs, monuments, and other graphic details.
  5. Wall design:
    • Wherever possible avoid perimeter development walls
    • Where development walls do occur, use muted desert tones, and soft undulations:
      • Vertical and horizontal breaks in alignment to minimize height and mass and provide visual relief.
      • Special niches for plant materials integrated into wall.
  6. Building and Wall Height/Setback:
    • Building height at residential setback (or non- residential 120' from CL not more than 24')
    • Step back subsequent stories from first story
    • Fills not to exceed 4' within 100' of R.O.W.
    • Screen , and retaining walls not more than 8' at setback line.
    • Setback should increase as wall and building heights increase.
  7. Sidewalks set back as far as possible from curb with returns at drives and intersections.
  8. Special treatments proposed at Via Linda and 136th Street intersection including enhanced hardscape and landscape pedestrian spaces at corners and walks.

Last Updated: Jul 18, 2024

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Long Range Planning

447 E. Indian School Road Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Adam Yaron
Planning & Development Area Manager
Taylor Reynolds
Principal Planner
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