Scottsdale's GIS Division offers a limited number of shapefiles for free download. Other files and formats are offered for sale through the City's data sales program.

Sample Data Specifications


Standard shapefile format. Each shapefile includes documentation in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format.

Coordinate System

The City of Scottsdale GIS data is stored in a slightly modified version of Arizona State Plane Zone 3176, NAD83 coordinates known as the Scottsdale City Grid. The units of measure are International Feet. For more detailed information on the differences between the two projections, visit Coordinate System.

These files overlay correctly with the City on a Disk image mosaic and individual quarter-section images available for purchase.


Files are stored in compressed .zip files to speed the download process. You will need to unzip the files before use. There are a number of Zip/Unzip utilities available for download through the Internet.


Sample GIS data files are recreated weekly to account for changes to the master files that may have occurred in the previous week.

Scottsdale Data Sales Disclaimer

Restrictions Regarding Use: Scottsdale geographic data can not be redistributed (sales, copies, etc.) in any form without written permission from the city of Scottsdale. Buyers purchasing data specifically for resale or redistribution must negotiate separate arrangements with the city of Scottsdale.
Liability Issues: All city of Scottsdale geographic data is provided for general information purposes only. The city of Scottsdale does not warrant its accuracy, completeness, or its suitability for any particular purpose, and will not be held liable for problems that arise due to poor data quality or content. It should not be relied upon without proper field verification.
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