Digital Data Sales

Scottsdale's GIS Division offers digital map data for sale in various sizes and formats. For inquiries and orders review this information, then contact the City of Scottsdale's GIS Division.

All digital data and mapping orders require one (1) week to process

Purchase Options and General Data Specifications

Land Base Standard Package

Citywide coverages include attributed shapefiles (SHP) and MicroStation DGN on CD. Includes documentation. The price for non-commercial purposes is $500 plus processing fee. Updated regularly. The following list of included files/ CAD levels is subject to change:

  • Shapefiles: Parcels, Addresses, Streets, Assessor Book Map, Character Areas, City Boundary Line, Congressional Districts, ESLO Landforms, FEMA Floodplains, Legislative Districts, Parks, Planning Zones, Preserve, Quarter-Sections, School Districts, Subdivisions, Township-Range-Section, Zip Codes, Zoning.
  • DGN: Easement lines and text, street centerlines and name text, right of way lines and width text, property lines, address number text, lot number text, apartment/unit number text, canal lines and name text, MCR easement number text, APN text, and more.

Elevation Data

Scottsdale GIS elevation data are available in ESRI TIN, ESRI GRID or single layer raster (10’ cellsize), and MicroStation TTN on a quarter-section basis. Mass point and break line files in ESRI Generate format are also available on a quarter-section basis. Contour lines are available in 3D DGN. The price for non-commercial purposes is $25 per quarter-section plus processing fee. Not all quarter-sections are available in all formats.

Aerial Photography

Various years are available. Contact us for the complete list. Color, digital, orthorectified imagery is available in two forms:

  • By quarter section: TIFF (.tif) format with associated TFW "world" file. Specs: 24 bit color, 1’ pixels. The price for non-commercial purposes is $37.50 plus processing fee.

Shapefiles and DGN. Available at no charge to City Contract holders upon approval. Not for retail sale.

Utilities Standard Package

Scottsdale GIS data is stored in a slightly modified version of Arizona State Plane Central Zone 3176 (0202), NAD83 coordinates known as the Scottsdale City Grid. The units of measure are International Feet. MicroStation format data (DGN) are sold with an offset from the Scottsdale City Grid. For an explanation of the differences between the two coordinate systems, visit Coordinate System.

File Extents

Scottsdale GIS data layers are typically available in either quarter-section sized files or "citywide". Imagery is available in quarter-section sized files or as a single citywide image.
(See "Aerial Photography")

Free Data

Visit GIS Sample Data, you may find what you need at no charge.


Scottsdale GIS data prices have been determined in accordance with applicable State statutes and are subject to change at any time. Fees for media and handling/reproduction are charged in addition to the basic data price. Prices are subject to change. Commercial uses of the data are subject to higher fees.
(See "Restrictions Regarding Use")

Restrictions Regarding Use

Scottsdale geographic data can not be redistributed (sales, copies, etc.) in any form without written permission from the City of Scottsdale. Buyers purchasing data specifically for resale or redistribution must negotiate separate arrangements with the City of Scottsdale.


All City of Scottsdale geographic data is provided for general information purposes only. The City of Scottsdale does not warrant its accuracy, completeness, or its suitability for any particular purpose, and will not be held liable for problems that arise due to poor data quality or content. It should not be relied upon without proper field verification.

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