
Any creation of a lot, tract or parcel; assembling of lots, tracts or parcels, or adjustment to a lot, tract or parcel line within the City of Scottsdale is to be processed through and recorded by the city as governed by Chapter 48 of the city's Code of Ordinances.

The city's platting process will be used for parcel boundary modifications or creations, as further explained in Chapter 3 of the city's Design Standards and Policies Manual.


Depending on scope of construction work proposed within a parcel boundary, the right to use land of another for designated purposes, or restrict its use, through the recordation of an easement may be required. If city staff determine that new easements or modifications to existing easement are required their recordation will be a pre-requisite of permit issuance.

Modification or creations of easements are to be processed through and recorded by the city.

Recordation Request

Just getting started or are unsure of what will be required of your proposed project? Setting up a pre-application meeting with the city is the first step. You can expect to receive submittal checklists for proposed work discussed during the pre-application meeting, including plat or easement submittal checklists if appropriate.

If you already know what will be required of you project, submit a recordation request. We will review the request and send you the appropriate submittal requirements and checklist.


Have a submittal checklist and its required documentation in hand?

Submit both the submittal checklist and its required documents using the Digital Plan Submittal application. This submittal will become it's own plan review plan check number, even if submitted concurrently with a house plan or any other type of development plan check submittal for permitting (albeit submitting each one separately).

Made the submittal?

First an administrative review will occur. The submitted documents will be checked against the staff completed submittal checklist. If everything has been properly submitted, an administrative complete email will be sent out to the designated point of contact with a link for plan review fee payment. Plan reviews will be assigned once payment has been received. If, however, the submittal is not in compliance with the submittal checklist, an administratively incomplete email will be sent out and resubmittal of missing or corrected documentation will need to be made until the submittal can be determined administratively complete.

Monitor the submittal review online?

The various disciplines assigned to the review and their review status may be monitored using the Plan Review Status application. A status of corrections may result in a corrections file being uploaded to the plan check's internet file exchange folder, which may be found using the Digital Plan Submittal application. If no correction file has been uploaded but a status of corrections has been made, a Resubmittal Checklist will be posted to the plan check's internet file exchange folder at the conclusion of all reviews which will have further instructions not handled by a corrections file.

When can the recordation documents be signed?

Once all review disciplines have determined a submittal is technically correct, execution instructions will be provided via the Resubmittal Checklist along with the document/s needing to be executed. Execution will generally be as follows though: Grantor and any beneficiaries will provide notarized signatures and then submit to the One Stop Shop, along with Resubmittal checklist, for a city signature review, execution and recordation cycle.

Remember: All documents are recorded by the city.
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