Below is a list of the different series of liquor license applications available at the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control (AZ DLLC) and a guide to the City of Scottsdale’s review process.
To coordinate your AZ DLLC Liquor License with the City of Scottsdale review process, locate the series of license for which you are applying from the list below. Once you have determined if the application is a permanent or temporary license, click on the review process link for additional information.
If you are unsure of what series of license you may need please visit the AZ DLLC.
Permanent Licenses - (Review Process)
Series 1 - In State Producer
Series 2 - Out of State Producer
Series 3 - Domestic Microbrewery
Series 4 - Wholesaler
Series 5 - Government
Series 6 - Bar
Series 7 - Beer and Wine Bar
Series 8 - Conveyance
Series 9 - Liquor Store
Series 10 - Beer and Wine Store
Series 11 - Hotel / Motel
Series 12 - Restaurant
Series 13 - Domestic Farm Winery
Series 14 - Club (Private)
Series 17 - Direct Shipment
Series 18 - In-State Craft Distiller
Series 19 - Remote Tasting Room
Series 20 - Alternating Proprietorship
Series 21 - Custom Crush
Permanent Extension of Premises
Temporary Licenses - (Review Process)
Series 15 - Special Event
Series 16 - Wine Festival / Wine Fair
Temporary Extension of Premises
Permanent Liquor License

These are AZ DLLC applications and the license is issued by the AZ DLLC. The permanent liquor license application process begins at the AZ DLLC located at 800 W. Washington, 5th floor in Phoenix. All applications must be submitted directly to the state to start the process, with the exception of the permanent extension of premises and remote tasting rooms (these are submitted to the City of Scottsdale to start the process).
The State will send the liquor license application to the City for review and recommendation. The City’s role in reviewing your liquor license application is to make a recommendation to the State on whether or not the liquor license should be issued. When the City receives an application from the State, City staff will contact the applicant regarding the process timeline. The applicant will need to complete and submit a Liquor License Questionnaire appropriate for your specific type of business.
The questionnaire is required to initiate the City’s review process. It is important to be aware of the City’s zoning requirements prior to committing to a business location or submitting a liquor license application to the state. For instance, bars may require a Conditional Use Permit, which may take four to six months to process and starts with a pre-application. This may then delay the issuance of a liquor license. City Council review occurs at a public hearing, typically held in the Scottsdale City Hall Kiva, 3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd.
Once approved, the City will send the recommendation to the AZ DLLC. The approximate processing time from date of submittal to the state is 65-105 days.
City Permit Required
**Please note: The City of Scottsdale requires a separate Liquor Permit. Please see information below.**
In addition to the AZ DLLC license the City of Scottsdale requires a Spirituous Liquor Permit Application to be completed and filed. Please note it is unlawful for any person to sell or offer for retail sales within the City any spirituous liquors or alcoholic beverage without having first obtained a liquor permit per City of Scottsdale Revised Code.
The City of Scottsdale Spirituous Liquor Permit Application needs to be completed and filed once the AZ DLLC license application has been submitted. Please call License Registration at 480-312-2400 to verify the fees to be submitted with the City license application.
Staff Contact: Planning and Development Services - 480-312-7767
Permanent Extension of Premises

Extension of Premises is an AZ DLLC application to extend the footprint of an existing licensed footprint. All applications need to be notarized and submitted directly to the City of Scottsdale Current Planning Department at 7447 E. Indian School Road, Suite 105 to start the process. You will need to have a dimensioned site plan to show the existing, licensed area and the new, proposed area. This may require a Development Review Board approval for any improvements made. If any exterior improvements are proposed, a Pre-Application meeting with City staff is required.
The City of Scottsdale's role is to make a recommendation to the State on whether or not the liquor license footprint should be enlarged. Once the City receives an Arizona Department of Liquor License application from the applicant, City staff will contact the applicant on the process timeline. Once a recommendation is made by the City Council, the applicant may hand-carry the recommendation to the state to expedite the process or staff will mail the recommendation to the State.
Staff Contact: Planning and Development Services - 480-312-7767
Temporary Liquor License
If you plan on having/serving liquor at your special event, you may need a Temporary / Special Event Liquor License.
Special Event Liquor License (Series 15)
- Both the city of Scottsdale and the AZ DLLC have a Special Event Liquor License (Series 15) application to complete and submit to the City of Scottsdale Business Services Office located at 7447 E Indian School Road, Suite 110.
- Information and application for the AZ DLLC
- Application (PDF) for the city of Scottsdale
Once the completed City and State applications are received by Business Services the application will go through a review process by several city departments. When the review is complete the application will be forwarded for the Mayor’s signature to finalize the city’s review. The applicant will be contacted to pick up the signed AZ DLLC application at Business Services for delivery to the AZ DLLC for processing.
**Applications must be submitted a minimum of 20 days prior to the event**
Applications for Extension of Premises/Patio Permit
Temporary Extension of Premises/Patio Permit is an AZ DLLC application (PDF) to extend the footprint of an existing licensed business. The city's role is to make a recommendation to the State on whether the temporary liquor license extension should be issued. All applications need to be notarized and submitted directly to the City of Scottsdale Tourism & Events Department at 7447 E. Indian School Road, Suite 301 for review and processing. A dimensioned site plan needs to be attached to show the existing, licensed area and the new proposed area. When the Temporary Extension of Premises/Patio Permit is part of a Special Event, it will be processed simultaneously with the Special Event review. Once approved, the applicant will pick up and deliver the signed application form to the AZ DLLC for processing.
Fair/Festival License Application
Fair / Festival license is an AZ DLLC application for those events where a Fair/Festival license is required for a winery or distillery to provide samples or sales. The city’s role is to make a recommendation to the State on whether the liquor license should be issued. All applications need to be notarized and submitted directly to the City of Scottsdale Tourism & Events Department at 7447 E. Indian School Road, Suite 301 for review and processing. Once approved, the applicant will pick up and deliver the signed application form to the AZ DLLC for processing.
Staff contacts:
- Special Event Liquor License (Series 15) contact Business Services, 480-312-2400
- Applications for Extension of Premises (Temporary) / Patio Permit contact: Erin Barry, Event Coordinator - 480-312-2453
- Wine Fair/Festival License contact: Cheryl Sumners, Events Manager - 480-312-7834