Notice of Intent to Establish or Modify Citywide Rates & Fees – Fiscal Year 2024/25

Apr 17, 2024

In accordance with A.R.S. § 9-499.15, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT at a Regular Meeting of the Scottsdale City Council on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 5:00 PM, at Scottsdale City Hall Kiva Forum, 3939 N. Drinkwater Boulevard, Scottsdale, Arizona, it is the Council’s intention to consider whether to establish or modify certain rates and fees for the following departments/divisions, to be effective July 1, 2024:

  • Water Resources
  • Public Works – Solid Waste
  • Community & Economic Development – Planning & Development Services
  • Community Services – Parks & Recreation and WestWorld
  • Public Safety – Police
  • City Court
  • City Attorney

Reductions to or elimination of certain posted fee or rate changes may be proposed at the May 14, 2024, Council meeting. See the materials included with the May 14 agenda for more information. 

Following such consideration, the Council may approve, disapprove, or modify said fee or rate changes.  

A schedule of the proposed new and modified rates and fees that includes the amount of the rates and fees and a written report or data that supports the new and modified rates and fees were posted on the City’s website on March 11, 2024, and are available on the City’s website. 

Meetings are broadcast electronically through Cox Cable Channel 11 and streamed online at, search “live stream.” To find the agenda for this meeting and information about the opportunity for public participation and comment, visit and search “City Council agenda.”

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